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Coat of arms displays weapons incorrectly when rotated


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I've been trying to figure this out for a good couple of hours now :S


Basically I've created a coat of arms with all the right bits - I've done that right, no doubt about that. However when I rotate it 90 degrees anticlockwise and test it out, the weapons display incorrectly (see attached image). If I leave the CoA at the original rotation angle it works perfectly, it's just when it's been rotated. I have no idea what's causing this. I've tried several different things to make it work but no success. 100% it is the rotation that is causing the issue.


Help me, please! This is seriously getting on my tits!


Cheers :)



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Quite a common problem with a few thing that a player can interact with, including mannequins, bookshelves and weaopen racks.


The solution is not to rotate them 90° or 270°. Instead, turn rotation snap off and double click the item. In the propertis, set Y axis to 89.9° or 269.9° using the keyboard.

Please note, you must do this for all triggers and activators as well

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