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Removing physics from outfit in Outfit Studio ?

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So here it is, I'm messing around with a few outfits from a mod in Outfit Studio & Bodyslide (K-girl outfits to be specific), but I encounter an issue with physics once I try out my modified outfit ingame.


I actually reshaped a piece of clothing to be tighter, but with the physics assets the outfit used, it's now moving and clipping all over the place ! :confused:


Thing is, I don't really need any physics on this particular piece of clothing, so I was wondering if there was a way to simply remove those in Outfit studio ?


Thanks !

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I would also like to know about this.


EDIT: Don't know if you're still having a problem with this, but if you are, just reduce the cloth bone weight to nothing and add weight from the proper area of the body.

Edited by g324
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All these physic will have some cloth data so when you export your nif from Outfit Studio, it will prompt u to select your cloth data, just don't check on the checkbox. Your nif still have those cloth bones so to totally clean things, before exporting, remove all those cloth bones.

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You can remove the cloth physics as langnao suggested, but that likely won't fix all of the clipping issues.


If it doesn't fix the clipping, what you need to do is recopy bone weights. Add a reference body mesh (if one isn't there already). Select your clothing mesh. Select all the bones. Copy the bone weights (default settings usually work fine). What that does is essentially figure out how each vertex of the clothing mesh should be affected by body bones when moving. When those weights are off, the mesh doesn't move in a well synchronized manner, leading to clipping. If you had to import a reference body, delete it afterwards so it doesn't double up the body in-game.


Cloth physics gets more complicated if you decide you actually want to keep it. The best way I know of to work with those is to find a vanilla mesh with similar cloth physics to what you want, and use that as a reference for copying bone weights... but you generally want to restrict that application to only those pieces of the outfit that need clothing physics and use a body reference for the rest of it. It's a crap shoot and takes me a lot of trial and error. The problem is that there is no cloth physics in Fallout 4. The cloth physics are faked using extra hidden bones on the characters. That severely limits what is possible to basically a specific dress and cape shape. Outfits that deviate from that will have issues trying to use 'cloth physics'.

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The physic is so called borrowed physic from those existing items with physic from base game. That's y we can have some kind of BBP. But as mentioned a lot of trial and error cos need to see how things react to the movement of these objects thru weight painting and even modifying the cloth physic data. So theoretically, any part of the clothing can be made to have some kind of physic. E.g. for butt physic, I went thru many objects finally settled on one that gives reasonable result.

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