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Gorski's Cabin pink/purple lights issue, please assist me.


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Hey all,


I have run into a graphical issue: most of the lights in Gorski's Cabin(the interior cell), those in the chamber with the bathtub and weapons workbench, are glowing with a pink or perhaps purple light. I'm very early in this playthrough and have not noticed similar anomalies elsewhere. I guess it's either the Enhanced Lights and FX mod or ENB Lights Overhaul mod that I have installed incorrectly. I have used Enhanced Lights and FX over several playthroughs with no such issue before but I migrated my steam folder to another harddisc, and I buggered up the install.


So if any of you have got any sort of hints or advice then please share! Even if it's something obvious, as I am prone to being dense from time to time...


Thanks for reading.

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