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Part of armor invisible


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I was trying to port some armor to a body i'm using. I combined the top (my port) and the body with a bottom from another armor mod.


When i load this ingame, I can see the body, and the bottom part of the armor. The Bra is invisible. I don't have a clue why is that.


I was checking on the forumns and saw something about the bound box or something like that and checked my nif. The top part has a property Bounding sphere, with a big radius. I tryed to delete this but I can't find how. Is this something I can delete?



thanks for any help :)

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Hmm...that's not something I've ever encountered before. I'm sorry.


Are able to double click on the bounding sphere stats and change them all to zero? (In a copy, not your original, just to be safe)

Yep, tryed that and still invisible.

The top part of the armor was from a mesh from normal skyrim. I used nif optimizer but still invisible.


I'm going to try conforming another armor from a SE skyrim armor to test if theres is a problem in my workflow or was just that armor.

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I've never been able to get nif optimizer to work. When I convert Skyrim meshes, here's what I do.


Open it in nifskope. Look at the "file" tab, and make sure auto-sanitize before save is turned off.


Then hit the spells tab.


Spells > batch > triangulate all strips.

Spells > batch > make all skin partitions. Change number of bones per partition to 60. Ok any warnings.

Spells > batch > add tangent spaces and update




When done, you may want to optimize too. What I do, though, is save as is. Right-click, copy. Then I optimize and manually sanitize the copy and test it in game. If it crashes my game, I delete it and insert the one I only converted without optimizing. (sanitized usually crashes me, but occasionally not.)

Edited by thumbincubation
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