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Okay some of you are going to hate me for even suggesting this lol. But I think this would be an awesome diversion quest.


Someone approaches you saying that they have been trying to sell their house for years but no buyers. Why? ZOMBIES


You are told that if you handle the zombie infestation the house is yours for a mere 100 gold. There would be 2 instances of the house (maybe even castle), The one that you arrive in during the quest and the one you live in. The second one would exist in the world but be locked until you got the key from completing the quest. When You accepted the quest you would be teleported to the inside of the zombified instance and all of your equipment would be removed and you would be silenced. Inside the house you could, just like COD zombies, purchase swords/bows/spells off of the wall. Possibly wall mounts would be placed with scripts. You would buy these using a currency that fell from the zombies that spawned. Unlike COD zombies however, there would be a "Win" to complete the quest. However in the spirit of zombies and to provide an out for people who forgot to save :P if you lose you should be prompted with a retry or an exit.


Common you know you want it :)

Edited by Yickfou
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