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Missing Textures?


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I have a mod that I uploaded to the steam workshop. After going in and editing it to include some things that I missed, it now says it's missing some textures for thieves guild armors. I didn't touch any textures, as this mod is just a simple edit. But now, I am no longer able to update the mod because of this, and I had someone complain that their thieves guild armor's textures are messed up. I don't personally have any problems with the textures. Any ideas on why this is happening? Or what I can do about it? Also, If I decide to just re-do the mod, does anyone know if it's possible to just change the .esp file on steam, or do I have to upload a totally new one?


I will post the exact errors I'm getting in a sec.



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! TEXTURES: Texture Set missing texture




Meshes\Armor\ThievesGuild\M\HoodAlternateGND.nif : HatAlternateGND:0 is missing a normal map


! TEXTURES: Texture Set missing texture




Meshes\Armor\ThievesGuild\M\HoodVariantGND.nif : HatAlternateGND:0 is missing a normal map

Edited by Subvert5
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  • 5 weeks later...

If you remove V2 from ThievesGuildArmorCapM_nV2.dds in HoodAlternateGND.nif, it should work.


I searched for ThievesGuildArmorCapM_nV2.dds in all Textures.bas and couldn't find it. I found ThievesGuildArmorCapM_n.dds though.

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Do you have, or did you have any mods running when you created the original mod, that change the textures or meshes for the Thieves Guild Armor that is missing? The CK sees and loads all of the textures you may have loaded under your data folder and then uses them in your mods. I've had a few, mostly NPC body textures, that have caused issues that are very similar and I am still looking for a way to break the dependency. It's been on the back burner for a while.
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Thanks, I will try removing the V2 thing. As far as having ,ods running, do you mean having the game running with the mod, or having other mods loaded in the CK? For both I didn't, but still found it unusual. In the end it actually made no difference. When I uploaded my mod to Steam is asked me to pack something I was not familiar with, so I deleted it from the packing list and everythingw ent fine. Same with the mods I uploaded to the Nexus (which I use myself). Because of how benign the issue is I am not concerned, but I feel like it COULD play a bad part if it happens to something not native to Skyrim such as a custom texture.
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  • 4 months later...

The CK loads up ANY and ALL loose files in you're data/meshes and data/textures directories, the same as the game does, so if you have any modified meshes or textures in those directories, they will be loaded AND the reference to them will be saved in the ESP ... ( Note: The CK will usually not refresh the files, so if you make an edit to a mesh or texture file while the CK is open it MAY not show until you restart it)


@ dantyas ... The "v2" is referring to the extra text in the filename, there shouldn't be anything after the _n ...

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