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Jaxonz positioner.


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Using this mod can you copy one item from one house and put it in another? I'm wanting some of the tall bookshelves in my Hearthfire home (I'm not adding an East Wing Library).


I am wanting to turn another part of the house into the "library."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes you can. It works to move pretty much anything, even water. If you select an item and then select copy it will place the item as a cube in your inventory. You can then drop it pretty much anywhere in skyrim and use the arrow and or number pad keys to position it where you want. Amazing mod, but unfortunately it doesn't work in skrim se as there is no skse.

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I would say: depends.

If you're talking about the working vanilla bookshelfs (where you can put in a fixed amount of books with activating it): You will not going to copy a "working" bookshelf. You've to put the books into the shelf manual (like you would have to do when just copying a normal shelf).

You might try to use positioner together with Spawnable Bookshelf (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73647/?) but I haven't tried that yet. (How did I miss that mod oO)


When you just start with using Jaxonz positioner, maybe one more tip: When you copy a lot of objects, they will take up space in your inventory (20 weight for each object no matter of its size). You might set this to a lower value / 0 on the mcm-settings.


greetings koohii54

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