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Small Scale Vault Tec Personal Vault you craft


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The idea of a smaller scale Vault Tec vault popped into my head after looking at the various vault/bunker mods on the nexus. Most are large scale like the 88 DLC such as the vault 119, 98, and 85 mods. Others are premade like Basement Living, the various beautifully done Eleanora mods, the Billionaire Vault, and Levelers Bunker. The thing I would like to see is something more of a player home and less of a settlement but you build it from scratch. I had something like Vault 85 mod (where you build down into the cell) and the scale of maybe the Billionaire Vault in mind. I'm not a Modder so sadly I can only supply the idea and hope someone takes the challenge. I personally thought a subtle cave or small military bunker be the external world entrance to the separate internal cell. Maybe a small concrete military bunker with the 111 style elevator or a regular elevator inside. Then once you are at the bottom of the elevator you enter the vault via the older style gear door like the Vault 119 mod used. Then a smaller clean room chamber/small security room that leads to the build area. The build area wouldn't be anymore than 3 to 6 floors down/deep, and a 8x8 or 10x10 (full floor section square) squares per floor to keep it somewhat cozy or personal in feel. From there you just fill it with the various Vault Tec DLC build items, or mod versions of the VT stuff. The last thing that would be needed would be a smaller scale Water Purifier instead of the huge one in 88 to be immersive. That could be built anywhere just like the smaller Fusion Generator. Maybe with this being smaller it would be more user friendly for lesser PC setups and Consoles.

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