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All of today, I was trying to get one mod working: Skyrim HD (the 2k pack). No dice, still, as of now. I started off with the data files thing in skyrim launcher being blanked, and I fixed that. I ended up with them not showing up in my menu, and I managed to fix that. Now, I finally have all of them in my game and in my Mod Manager as plugins (a bunch of separate parts) and they're all activated, but they're STILL not showing up in-game.


Help? I will post screenshots of any files or folders when requested.


Before we get there, yes I have a "cracked" copy of Skyrim, but I have a legit disc. I didn't want to run it through Steam. Never been a huge fan when I have ways around it. I can post pictures of my disc as well if anyone has issues (the serial has been used, I let my stepmom use it after I got my copy installed. Yes my stepmom plays Skyrim.)


Either way, all discrepancies aside; does anyone know what is going on or how to fix the issue? I already went ahead and completely disabled my UAS, so that's not an issue anymore.


Please. I'm almost at my wit's end.

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The reason it's not showing up is because the high res texture pack from Bethesda is overriding any textures you may have installed, you have to edit an .ini file to allow them both to work. Then any textures placed in /data/textures will show
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