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Creation Kit Saving behaviour


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Hey there :)

I'm new at the creation kit, and so far i can get every information i need in Youtube Tutorial Videos.

But there are some things....

1. If i for example change my housecarl for example and save it to housecarl.esp, does the CK only save in the esp the changed Information for the NPC?

2. If i later open the mod in CK and i alter a cell and press save, are these informations further saved under housecarl esp?

3. If both Yes how can i see all the information a esp is changing and how CK seperates the new information from the usual?

I think it wont save the whole skyrim esm with a few new informations.

Hope you can help me understand

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Yes on both if you change the cell with huscarl.esp as active.

You can go to the data tab where you select esp's. select the activated file -> go to details:


In that list you will find all the changes you've made, here you can also use your "delete" button to remove the records listed as part of your mod, you can do it all in the CK. Remember that if you delete a CELL record from that list, everything you changed in it will be ignored and deleted with it, so you don't need to worry about loose items. You can also do this with Tesvsnip, also recommended if you want to clean up a mod very throughroughly.

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