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Final Fantasy 11 Gear / Weaponskills


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Generally I don't request mods, but I think some of the weapons and armor available in FFXI are worth considering. The game has 20 jobs(classes) each with their own unique playstyle, which can be used to define various archetypes in Skyrim. While I don't expect any of these to be made into actual mods, it can at least give people ideas. I'll just link to some armor sets I do enjoy aesthetically, and to some of the relic/mythic/empyrean weapons that are unique/cool.



Blue Mage:

Mavi Attire Looks like a decent light melee/mage armor set.

Mirage Attire Unsure here, though it looks fancy.


Dark Knight:

Bale Armor Perhaps replacing Daedric.



Tantra Attire Light armor for your hand to hand combat.



Valor Armor Obviously for your sword/shield/heavy armor characters.



Sylvan Attire Looks good for a bow user.



Caller's Attire Would be perfect paired with a summoning spell mod complete with the avatars ;).



Ares's Cuirass Armor Just looks badass.




Relic Weapons


Mythic Weapons


Empyrean Weapons


Favorites from those: Almace, Gandiva, Murgleis, Burtgang, Tizona, Terpsichore, Ragnarok, Excalibur, Apocalypse.


Other mod potential


Weapon Skills: A mod where, depending on what weapon you are mainhanding, you perform a special move. To do this move, you have to build enough "Fury" by hitting things with it. As you level up one-hand and two-hand skills, you "unlock" higher tier special moves. I don't mean insta kills, but a cool animation with more damage than a regular swing.

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  • 1 year later...

Valor Armor might be easy. Not for me mind you, but for someone who can port Oblivion mods into Skyrim. Gallant Armor is the name of the mod, Made by T2C1online http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/44491/?

Edited by Sparta12345
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