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hello i am trying to locate and edit Labels like on beer and whiskey bottles buff out label. i found the textures for whiskey labels edited it saved and brought it into the game but wont change the label in CK or in game. i did make the material swap for them too . tried with buffout found texture for buffout had label on texture. i edited that and brought it into the game, the the original buffout lable appeared above my custom label on the texture. My other texture work fine but for some reason I cant get lablels to work.

PLS Help and Thank you

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Drove me nuts for a while too.


Make texture.

Make the new .bgsm file.

Make the MSWP record.

Edit the item to use the new MSWP which has your label.


That's how I got my gin, XXX milk bottle, and lamooson red beer.


I did the same thing to do the texture swaps for the various police armors.


Now the booze labels are tricky. Seems they use one large texture, but only parts of it for a given liquor.


(you can also just take a look inside my AIO mod and see what I did with the 3 booze bottles.

gin, gargleblaster and lasmooson for your search terms)

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yeah i have extracted those bottle textures confused on those but have a couple new ideas to try. yes i do those steps. making the texture, bgsm, material swap, then edit. the buffout i cant figure out tho either. the label was on the the texture put my new label over it flattenedit save and did all the steps. the new texture is there but the original buffout label is over my new label. you can kinda see the new black and silver label behind the buffout label.


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Guessing you are swapping out the material for the bottle not the label, as you have yours under the vanilla. The vanilla mesh has two nodes, one for the bottle and one for the label and cap. The node with the label and cap don't have a material (bgsm) assigned to its shader, to change that you need to edit the mesh and either add a material or just swap the textureset files to your own versions.

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yes i opened the bottles .nif in Nifskope and was able to attach the right textures where i wanted them. I still consider myself a complete noob to all of this, there is just so much i dont know or understand in CK. but i really apreciate all the help

Edited by tw1st3dhell
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Yep, some things don't use .bgsm files, and you have to point those to your own textures.

This is what got me to make my own folders for the data structure. I don't want my stuff in the general folders to avoid

possible conflicts, overwrites etc.


Cool thing is, CK notices and uses the new folder too. (which makes finding my stuff much easier when I'm editing)



(not all my mods use that, I just started it with the AIO and it needs some work, I'm still learning all this stuff too)


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