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Skyrim fails before it even starts (VMware)


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First off, yes my skyrim is legit. I may be a mac user but I have used wine for the most part. Unfortunately lately I'm trying to run skyrim through VMware on windows 7 Ultimate x64. My issue being that the system instantly crashes, this isn't a menu shows up and kills you crash but a full death cycle where the system only flashes the screen black then dies. This instant CTD as you may imagine is devastatingly annoying. Thus I would appreciate any help.


Things I tried:

1. Deleting fully and installing via steam

2. Verifying via steam

3. Re-clean the update and DLC content


5. Skyrim launcher started as admin (I personally don't understand why windows separates admin use from standard use on the admin account)


Is there some dependency I'm missing? Because Skyrim runs 100% through Wine.



It turns out copy pasting the entire steam system from Wine to the VM failed entirely. A fresh install of steam and skyrim were needed.


Case Closed.

Edited by Flame132
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