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FalloutNV.esm, NVSE and Bugged Scripts


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As of late I've been getting aquainted with the GECK and fixing some bugs I've come across while playing with some of my favourite mods.


However on doing so; When re-compliling the scripts NVSE brings up a lot of structural errors within scripts from the FalloutNV.esm specifically "Invalid Begin/End block Structure on line X".


These errors are so frequent in the FalloutNV.esm that i was beginning to think they were done on purpose to prevent the script from compiling; allowing these scripts to remain saved in the master file yet not have any use. The reason why i think this is because almost every time i look at the error NVSE throws up its due to an extra "endif" with no corressponding If statement typically placed at the end of the script.


I'll provide some examples of these scripts in a following Post.


I couldnt find anything information regarding this online and would appreciate if someone could tell me if these are unused scripts (Although it says they have a use in the GECK) and/or safe to ignore or genuine bugs.


Thank You.

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scn GSDynamiteBoxScript


short Button


BEGIN OnActivate

if IsActionRef player

ShowMessage GSDynamiteBoxMsg




BEGIN GameMode


set Button to GetButtonPressed


; Player repairs the generator

if ( Button == 1 )

player.AddItem WeapNVDynamite 3

RewardXP 10

SetDestroyed 1







Edited by Commando62
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scn BennyToArenaTimerScript

short bFadeOutDone
short DoOnce ;Script blocker
float Timer ;Timer used for animation control

BEGIN GameMode

if (bFadeOutDone == 1)

if ( DoOnce== 0 )
set Timer to 3
set DoOnce to 1

set Timer to ( Timer - GetSecondsPassed )

if ( Timer <= 3 ) && ( DoOnce == 1 )
IMod FadeToBlackISFX
VFortBennyRef.MoveToMarkerWithFade ArenaOpponentMarker
set DoOnce to 2

if ( Timer <= 0 )
set bFadeOutDone to 1
StopQuest BennyToArenaTimer
set VMS34.FightingBenny to 1
set VMS34.ArenaDuelEnabled to 1



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scn GoodspringsRadioScript

short bFixed ; 1 = Player has repaired the radio.
short Button

begin OnLoad

if (VFreeformGoodsprings.bKnowAboutRadio == 0) && (GetDestroyed == 0)
SetDestroyed 1


begin OnActivate player

if bFixed
ShowMessage GSBrokenRadioMsg


BEGIN GameMode

set Button to GetButtonPressed

if ( Button == 1 )
set bFixed to 1
ShowMessage GSFixedRadioMsg
set VFreeformGoodsprings.bFixedRadio to 1
RewardXP 10



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Those are unnecessary endifs in those vanilla scripts, and if I saw them in a mod, I'd grumble about it being amateur hour or something.

Don't know about the motives behind them, maybe it's something done to them after compiling, or not. As to whether they need fixing, you probably want to be sure they're actually causing problems in-game though. You may want to compare with the bug-fixing mods out there.

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I encountered similar confusion until I realized I wasn't starting GECK along with NVSE. Please see the 'Issue: How to get GECK to load with NVSE?' and 'Issue: GECK Power Up or NVSE cannot find GECK.EXE' entries in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide.




Thanks for the Response and the Link, that will come in useful.


I already have the GECK loaded alongside NVSE in accordance with solution 2 on that wiki. It is the NVSE program which is flagging the errors as the GECK compiles them; this wouldnt normally show with just the normal GECK as it doesnt have the error checking.



Those are unnecessary endifs in those vanilla scripts, and if I saw them in a mod, I'd grumble about it being amateur hour or something.

Don't know about the motives behind them, maybe it's something done to them after compiling, or not. As to whether they need fixing, you probably want to be sure they're actually causing problems in-game though. You may want to compare with the bug-fixing mods out there.


Thanks for the Response.


I initially thought the same thing they may be added after compliling and that while there are no current ingame problems; recompiling would show up the bugs.


I have been meaning to check the scripts for YUP but nexus hasnt been working for me today but i will get around to that.

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I've looked into YUP and the scripts are the same there.


However I've sinced learned that saving a script also compiles it; before i thought you saved it then compiled and that re-compile all was the only option. So i'll be able to avoid re-compiling these bugged scripts and since there are no ingame problems i'll just ignore them.


Maybe one day i'll look into it further but i just want to play and enjoy the game for now :)

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