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FPS Spikes & CTD with certain mod types


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Hi, I think I'm in the right place for this problem. I did post asking for help on a mainstream gaming site but didn't get an answer, so here's the 'copy/paste' of my issue:



I'm having a few problems with certain types of mods that I hope someone can help me with:


If I download a mod that adds a building to the game then I get massive fps spikes when in the area of said mod. It can lead to the game crashing to desktop, so I've had to remove EVERY mod that adds buildings.


I got a mod that adds carriages to the smaller towns/village which, since I play with 'Total realism' mod and don't want to use fast travel, was a mod I really, really, wanted.


I've also had problems with mods that re-texture wildlife. It was easy to work out which mods were causing it since it would stutter when I was near water (mudcrabs) or out in the open (Rabbits hidden in the grass). Once again, I'd get crashes.


I've never had issues with the big HD texture packs, or some of the smaller ones. Nor have I had issues with mods that change gameplay.


Playing at 3.6ghz, 4gb, and GTX470, High Settings, and don't have any problems with building or areas in the vanilla game. I really can't work out what might be causing this, as other people don't seem to suffer the same problem (based on Google searches I did). If there's additional information I need to give then please let me know.


Thank you for your time reading this.


Sorry if this is in the wrong section.

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It could be a memory problem, or to be more precise, a lack of memory problem.

How much memory is installed in your PC and what OS are you using ?


[Edit} Just realised you have 4GB


That should be enough. What about your GFX card memory and do you have a lot of apps running at startup ?

Edited by Tamb0
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That's strange, the only thing I can suggest in the first instance is lowering the game resolution and see if it helps.

Also, you say your processor is 3.6Ghz. I take it that it's a multi core and not a P4 single core.


The problem happens because the CK is kinda screwed up. If people are adding buildings to the outside world they have to tick the 'make full LOD' checkbox in order for the buildings to appear. This means that the full detail is being drawn, even from a far distance. Combine this with all the other stuff round about and it soon eats up those CPU and GPU cycles.


I've tried, and I'm sure others have as well, to generate new LOD's for exterior buildings, but the CK doesn't want to know. Mine just freezes followed by a CTD. :(

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Yeah, I'm using a quad core.


I'll give the resolution a try, though it's not really something I can keep due to games looking awful outside of native.


Thank you for the info about how the modding works and behaves.

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