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Want to disable Iris lighting effect


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I'm looking for a way to disable, and possibly adjust the iris effect for light levels in Skyrim. What I'm talking about is how the game darkens your view when you look at a bright light, and brightens it when you're in darkness.


The effect just doesn't work for me, and really kills the immersion, as it's not my eyes that are making the adjustments. The transition is very overly pronounced and takes far too long. It really just pulls me right out of the game. Perhaps if it were more subtle it would work. The effect is just way too vulgar when there's a dramatic darkening of the screen when I look up from one dark mountain over to a slightly darker castle.


Can someone tell me if the setting is something I can change or turn off in one of the .ini files, or if there is some other fix or adjustment I can do? I've looked through the mods and browsed the forums, but didn't find anything.




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