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[LE] The Kids Are Alright CK-Problem

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Hey community,


i love the mod TKAA and i want to make it compatible with "Populated Cities Towns Villages Reborn".

First thought i had was: No problem, open TKAA in CK along with adolphen´s mod, change the race and export the facegen data. Well, this doesn´t work at all. When i open up a TKAA-child-npc in CK and tick "Head", i recieve an error-message :


"FACEGEN: Could not fnd (and apply) race morph "TKAANordRace" in TRI file "Actor\Character\Character Assets\FemaleHeadRaces.tri" for geometry FemaleHead."


As i never experienced such an issue and it seems like no one else encountered it with TKAA, i would appreciate any help with this. I just want to make these two mods compatible- can´t be that hard, damn it!

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May be obvious, but does TKAA have a .bsa archive? If so, did you extract all the files from the TKAA mod archive? The CK has a lot of trouble working with .bsa archives, and will usually tell you the files are missing.

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Re-reading that, a couple things come to mind;

#1 the CK loves to throw error messages but a lot of the time you can ignore them. Is this an issue that crashes the program or otherwise prevents you from working, or is the CK blowing smoke?

#2 I'm guessing the mod author used an edited FemaleHeadRaces.tri to build the mod, but that it was not necessary to package that with the mod to release it. A lot of the times changes have to be made to vanilla files to create a mod that can be undone afterward... for example, after head meshes have been exported, you're done with the edited .tri files, and the user won't need them. If the CK is not working without that file, you can try contacting the author to request a copy of it.

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