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Removing Danse out of PA

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For the life of me I can't get danse out of his PA using the creation kit. I can remove the PA from leveled npcs just not the specific ones.


I'm wondering if it's script related forcing it but I can't seem to find it


Are you trying to do this for yourself or part of a mod you're going to release? If for yourself there's an anti power armor gun that'll do the trick. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/14623/?

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Part of a mod that I'm going to release to completely remove power armor from all npcs and the game world


Ambitious. Well the way to get rid of it at the beginning is to edit his NPC record with CK, on the Inventory tab change the power armor furniture under the outfit box. Select none. This will only affect a new game, not an existing save. To affect an existing save you'd need to script something to make him get out and then find the suit and get rid of it. Getting out is pretty easy.


Actor Property BoSPaladinDanse Auto Const
Function KickOutOfPowerArmor()


Then you'd need to make overrides to disable the BoSPowerArmorFurniturePaladinDanseNoHelmetLockedCore and BoSPowerArmorFurniturePaladinDanseX01 furnitures.


Then edit the quest BoS302 "Blind Betrayal" so it doesn't try to force him into the X-01 suit if you progress in the proper way to do so. I forget if it swaps his actor or swaps his suit. There's a second Danse actor in a holding cell that spawns with the X-01 suit.

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yup, Starting a new save was my problem but when meeting the minutemen in concord "when freedom calls" it forces me to put the power cell into the power armor. Im not sure what im gonna do about that maybe change some scripts cut some dialog. Well ill try anyways this will be my first mod

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