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Shivering Isles Outfits, or similar style.


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I always found Sivering Isles to have some of the most interesting outfits, but sadly many of them were never even wearable without use of the console. I would love to see some of these remastered with new textures and brought over to Skyrim. Most notably Haskills outfit for use with my vampire warlock. Sadly I am utter rubbish at modding. But if anyone with a bit more skill was to take up the challenge?


Well they would be adored by many, and generally considered to be more attractive and smarter than even before!


Here are some samples of what I am talking about http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/images/12910-1190651816.jpg http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/12910-1190651766.jpg http://images.uesp.net/2/2d/Clothing01.jpg

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