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Is it Possible to make the Hair Allways show through helmets and hats?


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Hi, i ve been googling and searching through the forum trying to find a way to make the hairstyles allways show, even if you wear hats,hoods, helmets etc. This would cause lots of clipping issues i know, but some hairstyles would look perfect for this hat : http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=5300

I love this mod but want my hair to show through it. Ive experimented some in the ck trying to get it to work, but no success.


Thank you in advance.

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default it was using the hair spot ( the mod is replacing the jester hat) . so i changed it to circlets (cause they show the hair) but it only turned invisible. so i tried again but this time also changing it with the ARMA to circlet, it turned invisible again. Following some tips from this thread http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/536316-force-helmet-meshes-to-show-hair/page__p__4369027 ive also tried changing BSDismemberSkinInstance values in NifSkope (base value 31, hair) to 142, circlet. Still invisible. This is reall bugging me, and at this hour, im not getting smarter it seems :P
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  • 2 years later...

umm a bit late but if you still play Skyrim and you mod at all you could get the Apachii SkyHair Helmet Wigs

its in the FILES tab under Optional Files and you don't need the main mod for it to work.



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