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Mod installation and steam


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I currently have a Steam copy of the game. What I am wondering is is it possible for me to install mods on my game and the Steam mods, or do I just have to deal with the steam mods and the limits only?


I know that if i have mods installed in steam and on my computer my gaming experience would not be the same on another computer that I installed Skyrim on and then played, I would only have the steam mods. But as I am using my laptop only at this time it's not a problem. I do not want to be limited by what they put up/consider appropriate or the limit of 50 mods that they impose.


Please let me know.


Also I suppose that if I can install mods from nexus as well as those from steam that I would be at the 256 limit, or would that be 256 computer +50 steam



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The 256 plugins (not mods, and including master files) limit is hard coded into the game. However, you should be fine installing mods from both places as long as you use NMM or Wrye Bash for your plugin management.
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  • 2 months later...
I am having trouble even getting NMM to setup fully with my Steam copy, it installs but then we I run it for the first time it locks up at the same screen, I have uninstalled and reinstalled and changed directories but still no luck... any clues?
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