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So my game was working fine all day until I decided to download New Vegas bounties I did everything correctly NVEdit and loot didn't detect any problems but my menu text wouldnt load up and I couldnt alt-tab out of the game I had force log myself off and log back in. I deactived all of my mods besides my enb because thats too much of a hassle and even uninstalled and reinstalled FNV. Still the same issue. Mouse wont appear, menu text wont appear, not even the main menu text will appear just a picture of a Nevada Dessert Ranger. I'm kind of getting frustrated. Anyone know any quick fixes to this issue?

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Please provide ALL the information requested in the wiki "How to ask for help" article.


In the meantime, most likely problem is not "New Vegas Bounties", but rather that you installed or updated some UI mod that overwrote the related XML files. Please see the wiki "HUD-UI-Menu issues" article.


But also please see the 'Checklist' entry in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide, in case it's due to something unrelated to a mod. No mod should be affecting the ability to <Alt+Tab> out of the game if you could before.


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