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Crashing does not ADD up? Something blew up.


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So first off we had the problems with NMM .15 beta. So maybe that was to blame. However I reverted back to .14 so it would work.

I installed the new version of WIS and DD after reverting back. After which any time I open the main menu now my Game will CTD automatically. Everything else works fine. Console, running around, etc.


So I will work through each mod now. WIS and DD and old saves to see what the problem is. However this is something I have never encountered before. Any help or suggestions would be great.

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Crashes when you open the Main Menu or when you try to open General Stats in the Main Menu?


If it is General Stats, were you using the new spells with Deadly Dragons?


If so, you might have used one of those new spells enough so that it became your Favorite Spell listed in General Stats. This would cause a crash going to General Stats without your previous version of DD installed. It might still cause a crash with a newer version of DD if the spell's formid is different.


If all of this is true, you can save your affected save by casting another vanilla spell enough so that it becomes your Favorite Spell in General Stats. Pick a Destruction spell so that you are not advancing your skills while doing so, turn on godmode, and fire it off in the air over and over. It might take awhile to make the change. You can reinstall the previous version of DD so that you can see when it changes, but it is not necessary to do so. (And another but) If you do not have the previous version installed and you check *before* it changes, you will crash and have to start the process over.

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