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[LE] Can´t change the default outfit on game start

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Title says it all...i want to replace the default prisoner-outfit (when you begin a new game) with another one. Shouldn´t be that hard, but...i tried some methods i read on the internet and none of them are working for me. Any help?


How are you starting the game? Editing the player to have a different outfit directly doesn't work if you run the scripted start, but will if you use the console coc command to start a new game by teleporting into a cell. The Unbound quest (MQ101) has a specific bit of scripting that adds and equips certain items to the player, to wit:



;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_197
Function Fragment_197()
; debug.trace("stage 10, quickstart 1")
;disable first person geometry
Game.ShowFirstPersonGeometry( false )
; enable horses & carts
; AI-driven player
; remove all player's gear and reequip outfit
; equip player's prisoner outfit

ClothesPrisoner and ClothesPrisonerShoes are properties on that script. Changing those properties should allow you to alter what's worn during the beginning of Unbound.

Edited by foamyesque
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ok, so this is it. ClothesShinobi is a custom outfit i made

and it works fine ingame. But Skyrim refuse to replace the

prisoner outfit with it at game start...




Okay, a few things:


1. That's the code, not a filled property. You need to hit edit properties, find your now-called "ClothesShinaobi" property, and fill that with what you want to have be equipped. Just changing the name in the code isn't enough (and isn't necessary; you could fill a property named GenericProperty with anything that matches the property type declaration (Armor, Weapon, FormList, etc).

2. I assume that this code is compiling so that you have actually defined the property somewhere and as an Armor type; it's not shown in your code, though.

3. When you say 'outfit', do you mean an Outfit object, or just shorthand for 'this piece of clothing'? Because Skyrim has actual Outfits but they can't be used in the code as it stands.

4. I need a screenshot of the actual properties window, like so:



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here are the properties of the script. It was the first thing i´ve done

´cause it was the logical first step.




PrisonerOutfit is not used within that script. The piece of code that dresses the player is the one I quoted originally, which is tied to the ClothesPrisoner and ClothesPrisonerShoes properties, which are Armor forms, not an Outfit one. That's why there's two separate calls to EquipItem. You edited it to try to equip ClothesShinaobi, but that appears to be an Outfit, not individual Armor items, so EquipItem won't succeed. It compiles, because EquipItem (since it needs to operate on Weapons and on Armor) accepts a Form, and an Outfit is a kind of form, but it doesn't actually do what it's supposed to.


If you want to work with Outfits and not armor pieces, use SetOutfit. If you want to use EquipItem, you need to call it one-by-one for each piece of gear you want to equip.

Edited by foamyesque
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