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Random crashes, I've been trying to fix it for a good while but I can't find a fix for it


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My game keeps crashing every now and then. I've tried as much as I can think of, including sorting my load order in LOOT and running the game as admin, but I can't fix it. Also, at least one of the textures in the game are missing (all pink). No idea if it's related. Crash Fixes doesn't do anything. I've tried adding more memory to SKSE, still nothing.

Here's my mod list https://modwat.ch/u/moggiog/plugins

I would post the log the game generates, but it doesn't fit on Pastebin.

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In my experience it's Cutting Room Floor. Not that that's your issue. I have 190 mods working at 60fps no crashes. As soon as i add CRF i get crashes every hour or so. Modding is a patience game and you will get VERY mad. i would suggest disabling your mods and activate about 10 at time. You don't have that many mods so it shouldn't take too long to test out the kinks.


Edit: I should also add that you probably could have over-written important meshes. If i were you i would backup your mods. Delete your Skyrim files and start fresh with steams cache retrieval tool. I would also suggest using Mod Organizer rather than NMM. Also dont forget to clean your master files with TESV-Edit. (remember when using TESV-Edit you should really go get the one from the fallout 4 nexus as that's the one that is being updated)

A merged patch and a bashed patch wouldn't hurt either. You wont have any stability problems after that.

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