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Throwing Knives Mod Help


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Hi, I was working on this mod for a while but I got stuck at one point and I would like to know your opinion


this is the mod page: My link


the problem is that in the third person, knives is fired in any direction, can't aim


My idea was to create a node in the skeleton.nif which could attach a fake weapon that could fire the projectile, but does not work because no matter where you put the gun always shoots from the hand equiped, also trying to create a fake weapon then use PlaceAtMe and then with MoveToNode move to a node pointing forward, but I can not convert an Object Reference in a weapon, so do not know what else can be done, apparently there are nodes that point in the animation but do not know anything about animation, so I wonder if an expert that could give his opinion in this...

Edited by raden5
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