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Make ash piles disappear?

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Hey guys, I have some code that goes through an array of actors and sets all critical stage to "CritStage_DisintegrateEnd" to essentially delete them. This works perfectly expect for one scenario.


A user of my mod noticed that when using laser rifles, ash piles/puddles are not de-spawned. Does it create a new object?


Here's the function where the de-spawning happens

Function ResetActorPool()
    int i = 0
    While i < enemy_actor_pool.Length
	Debug.MessageBox("Actor in pool")
	i += 1

I used the Message box just so I could check that the code was looping the expected number of times and it is. So the actual actor is in the enemy_actor_pool array, but it's ash pile/puddle doesn't get deleted.

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I took a look at the documentation and found the CritStage_GooEnd but I can't seem to get it to work. Here is where I have added it:

Function ResetActorPool()
    int i = 0
    While i < enemy_actor_pool.Length
	Debug.MessageBox("Actor in pool")
	i += 1
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Having a look through some resources, it seems the ash piles are a separate object.


Any idea how can get a reference to the ash piles in the cell? I've been searching the wiki documentation for any functions that kind of look like the fake ones below.

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Hi, you sayed yesterday that frozen enemies could be concerned, so I gave a look, with a flame-thrower and a cryolator, burned or frozen enemies are rightly deleted.

By the way, all enemies id inside your arena begin by FF, it must be a way to select stuff inside a cell with an id filter, so you just have to delete them the way you want

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Hi, you sayed yesterday that frozen enemies could be concerned, so I gave a look, with a flame-thrower and a cryolator, burned or frozen enemies are rightly deleted.

By the way, all enemies id inside your arena begin by FF, it must be a way to select stuff inside a cell with an id filter, so you just have to delete them the way you want


Hey, thanks for checking those for me! That's good to know!

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