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Fort Kastav needs a storyline...


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My son and I are quite new at modding, and I probably have fewer hair follicles than system crashes trying to get our grand mod to work. What we wanted to do was create a vanilla mod where the Dragonborn would have a role in rebuilding Skyrim after the war. The story we came up with was having a courier find the Dragonborn after the war, and delivering a letter telling him that the war had taken a great toll on Skyrim, and that the Jarl's fear that an Admeri attack is imminent. We wanted to keep the language very vanilla, so the storyline itself (which side was chosen) wouldn't matter. We even thought of having the training Army in plain steel/leather/fur armors, and have the Fort flying Blades Banners (as that is the banner of the Dragonborn).


The problems we ran into was creating the fort itself, as neither of us are any good at doing that. We looked at various fort and castle mods, but they seem WAY to uber, and rob from the simple Nord life of Skyrim. However, last night my son was researching various existing forts throughout Skyrim (why reinvent the wheel), and found that Fort Kastav doesn't have a story line attached to it. I.E. when cleared, it doesn't repopulate with Imperials or Stormcloaks, nor is it a part of any quest nor does it house a critical NPC. What it does have is a nice, simple prison (which I would rename Garrison), and a very nice Captain's quarters (which I would rename Commander's Quarters). It also has a large open area just below, surrounded by mountain cliffs that would look fantastic with pitched tents for an Army in training. Probably setup a smith in the courtyard and move the Alchemy station inside.


I'm looking for someone who might be interested in helping us develop this mod, and aid us in giving the Dragonborn the responsibility of rebuilding Skyrim's Army (but with limited NPC's, we don't want to go overboard). I'd love to brainstorm this further, so if your interested, please reply and lets get started...



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