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Custom animation andbehaviors


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Basically I'm trying to recreate the same effect as the Dragon Priest Mask statues, where when you activate it with the corresponding mask in your inventory, it removes the mask from your inventory and places it in the statue; when you activate it again it does the reverse. Now, I know that the way it actually "places" the mask in the statue is by simply playing different animations. Activating the bust simply plays either the "on" or "off" animation and waits for an event. When you add it to the bust, it plays "on" and waits for the "TransOn" event; when you take it from the bust, it plays "off" and waits for the "TransOff" event. Now, I'm not 100% sure, but I believe these events simply change the visibility of the mask. The thing I'm having a hard time understanding is how the animation can play then hold it's state forever, or until you activate the bust again.


What I need to do is duplicate this effect but for another activator. Without going into too much detail about what I'm working on, I've basically got an activator which will act as the display (this is the equivalent of the priest mask bust). When I activate the display, it will unhide and animate my item to be displayed, into the display itself. It needs to hold this state forever, or until I activate it again. When I do activate it again, it needs to do the same in reverse: pull the displayed item out of the display, then hide it, and hold that state.


I can't wrap my head around how this works. To me, the animation seems like it would only play once (so unhide the item, slide it into the display, then stop...which would make the item disappear), but this isn't the case for the busts, so I need some help.

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