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Early Access To Gear


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I like the idea of starting off as a particular type of RP character. With that in mind, I'd like to see varioius types of armor, clothing, etc. available at the very beginning in order to establish a certain mood. Frex, if I'd designed a character to function as a Ronin, I'd like for appropriate gear to be available at the onset. However, for some reason, a great deal of character specific gear isn't available until later in the game. Frankly, that kind of ruins the start up moment. Why do various mod creators not make their gear available at the outset? I can understand if the gear is seriously op, however, an awful lot of it is just ordinary as to capability. So, what makes the item(s) so special as to warrant significant delay in introduction?


Oh, just to be clear, I'm referring to availability in manufacturing, not as starting equipment worn by the player character.


While I'm in full rant, I'd like to take a moment to lodge a protest in regard to "Barbarian" startup gear. I think the creators of so-called "Barbarian" gear sets have been brainwashed by Arnie S. and various cover artists, movie directors, and authors. I mean, we're talking about Skyrim here, a land in which a sunny 40 degrees F is regarded as balmy and modders have their characters running around in leather/fur kilts and minimal equipment harnesses. ROFLMAX! If I'm running a Barbarian character, I take a clue from the body that was found in the Swiss glacier and stick my guy/gal in padded furs, fur cloaks, fur hoods with a long scarf, mufflers, and anything else which becomes available. Unfortunately, not all of that is available at the onset and I'd like to know why. At this point I assume it's all part of the hard grind schtick and we're required to earn the right to wear certain gear. That's kinda extra tough if one's also heavily into immersion and has installed mods like Frostfall. Okay, yeah, I know I could delay all that through MCM and hang really loose until my character's leveled a bit, but where's the challenge in that? Oh, also to be clear, I'm aware that Nords have this whole genetic thing going on in which they're resistant to cold during daylight hours. So what, umpteen below zero at the top of the Throat of the World is still cold enough to freeze the Devil's D...k. BTW, if y'all wanna see a movie in which cold plays a major role, watch "Dr. Zhivago" with Omar Sharif playing the lead. Okay, shutting up now and pausing to suck on my early morning cafe.


PS: Does anyone think about how bad the Graybeards must smell? I mean, I'd not be bathing up there. Not in those temps. We're talking about an environment in which water in hair would freeze dry. Which reminds me, has anyone ever created a sauna mod? Lol! Last time I was in one of those, I wasn't wearing a stitch and there was a cute blond in similar attire sitting across from me. Unfortunately, her husband was sitting next to her. Sigh! Still, it left a warm memory for my old age. Oh, sorry if I've shocked the young'uns.

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