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Large Oblivion Mods


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Hello Nexus-Forum-Users


Can someone tell me where to find large Mods with new meshes, textures, quest and everything, and which are good.

Doesn't matter if they are finished or in coming, if they are finished I'd like to have 'em and if not I maybe wanted to help some where.


Would be Happy if someone can help me


THX A LOT :thanks:

Greetz S.S.A.L

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Large mods aren't something that one can just create by snapping their fingers. They take alot of time, and effort. Many "large" mods don't even get partially completed because of how much work they require. Your post sounds like you are just wanting all these mods to be there for you to play, As far as I know, only Silgrad has managed to accomplish this task. Most other projects are either in the process (with a long road ahead) or are stalled for one reason or another (some with partial mods). In both those cases, help is probably needed, but it usually requires a commitment longer than a few weeks. We all want these new worlds to play around with, but there aren't many who are willing and able to spend the time making them. There are some good medium sized mods like Lost Spires, but going from your post, you seem to want everything.
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Thanks a lot for your replies :smile:


I already know the site but I didn't knew the right words THX A LOT Woogie Monster.

I know it takes a lot of time to make these things. But, because of that i want to help creating something. I'd gladly like to invest some time for it. I mean I'm not that good at modding, but I'm learning. I already know how to create weapons, ridable creatures, I'm pretty good with retexturing and the CS. But, together with otheres, I'm maybe able to make something good.


Greetz SirSmokeALot


Sorry for my bad English :sweat:

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If you want to join a mod team, here is something that was just recently posted: http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=59457&hl=

It appears that the team is incomplete at the moment. Go over and introduce yourself, maybe you can make a new friend and get on the team. You say you can make weapons and mounts, that makes you a valuable asset. There are other teams around the Nexus too. Good luck and have fun.

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