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F4SE Error Terminal+


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Hello, getting this error everytime i try to launch fallout 4 https://image.prntscr.com/image/SHwa4KwbSIa1GTSVi6c_8A.png even with all mods disabled, so im not sure if its a mod or not i cant find with Terminal plus thing anywhere causing ctd right after the intro plays :(


i have upgraded f4se however i dont use too many mods that require it, i have unistalled and reinstalled it as well.

on a side note, does anyone know if fallout 4 will get an update everytime theres creation club content? beta steam cant stop auto installs and id father not revert back to an older steam for one game.

Edited by SittingBear97
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didnt work for me, launching fallout without the extender i can see the creation club albeit it has $ before everything (fitting, but a lot of people see this as well) either way i forced an update and it still happened.


unless im not reupdating correctly, its in steam as "verify cache" right?

Edited by SittingBear97
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didnt work for me, launching fallout without the extender i can see the creation club albeit it has $ before everything (fitting, but a lot of people see this as well) either way i forced an update and it still happened.


unless im not reupdating correctly, its in steam as "verify cache" right?

That is correct. What you could do is to delete the exe files, such as Fallout4.exe, teh launcer and let steam verify teh files. It will check waht is outdated and update acordingly.

Extract the script extender again jsut to be safe.

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