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Can't use meshe mods!


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(Correction: I can use meshes. I can't use different textures ¬¬ )


Hi, everyone!


For a whole week I have tried to make work mods that improve texture in my original Skyrim, but turning them on causes crash to desktop upon loading an area (like entering a city) or upon fast travel. I even can't use the original HD texture without crashing to desktop. I have tried some executables that intends to make available 4GB to run the game, but nothing changed. I have instaled HD fix loose files but didn't work as well. I have tried to change my .ini with the HighResTexture01.bsa and HighResTexture02.bsa, but without success.


Here is my configuration:


Windows 7 32 bits, I7, 8 GB, ATI RADEON 6970 - latest Catalyst drive, Skyrim version 1.4.27, sound at 24, 44100; Aero Peek disabled, AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition 2012.


If you need anymore information, I will try to discouver it the faster I can.


Thanks for reading.


Have a good game ^^!

Edited by LuciusD
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