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Best Graphics Card


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I might be old according to your standereds or what not, but i did the melon thing had 10,000 in my inventory, started dropping one at a time...............Do you get it ? HUH HUH HUH HUH?....................................i figured you wouldn't.


I will be glad, and proud to say my computer isnt the best in the world, and it probably wouldnt handle 10,000 melons, But cheese wheels? hmmmm..................


Like i said before, Anybody who changes there Video card themselves needs to be sure of there port where the video card goes............................Otherwise they could be out of some cash, if they didnt go to newegg, or whatever.




And. . . . . . . . I . . .am done.

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I might be old according to your standereds or what not, but i did the melon thing had 10,000 in my inventory, started dropping one at a time...............Do you get it ? HUH HUH HUH HUH?....................................i figured you wouldn't.

heh heh heh i got you side of the joke

you see when i said

well you dont have to do them one at a time

i was adding on to the joke heh heh heh...........we both shame the world of jokes lol

I might be old according to your standereds or what not

you sure say that alot for me not thinking that lol


And. . . . . . . . I . . .am done.

yeah me too,


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First off SGTBOB, and anyone else who reads this, when shopping for a new video card, you need to know the right bus port inside your computer, whether you have it directly attached to the motherboard ( cant change it if it is )

True... but most motherboards if not all made recently have PCI e. I believe its been around since at least the geforce 5xxx series.

Knowing the right port bus is easy, open up the tower and look at the peice of hardware your monitor plugs into. If it is a white slot, it is mostlikely PCI, which in turn would be a NVIDIA, or similar type of video card. If it is a brown slot, it is an AGP type bus port. Which would constitute the need for an ATI or similar type video card. I tell you this because if you buy the wrong type you cannot return it.

Where did you read that? :confused: on the back of a cereal packet? http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/7919/smiletongue2mp5.gif. AGP 8x is faster than pci. Pci-e 16x is faster than AGP 8x. Motherboards made in the last 5 years are generally allmost all Pci-E 16x (or if its an sli board sometimes they do 16x on both or 8x on both). If your motherboard can use a core2 processor/whatever the latest amd chip is then it allmost certainly has at least one pci e port. Pci-e 2 isn't really needed and we aren't really seeing the benefits yet (note also that its backward compatible with Pci-e). AGP was obviously the standard for quite a while. BOTH nVidia and AMD (amd owns ati and has rebranded all their stuff amd) have moved on to pci-e a long time ago and are some recent cards are pci-e 2 (which is backwards compatible with pci-e btw).

So with explaining that, SGTBOB, can you honestly say that you KNOW your ATI is better than the Nvidia 8800gt? Ill do the 10,000 melons on my Nvidia 7600gt. And ill see if it crashes.


If you tell me the name of your motherboard I'll do the googling for you.

A 3dmark 06 score or a use of crysis's inbuilt benchmarking utility would have been a lot better. Indeed. Isn't that card a little more expensive than the 8800gt anyway? From what I've heard the 8800gt is clearly the best value for money and the 9600gt coming in close behind.


BTW: The 9 series is basically the 8 series only a little faster... there aren't really any great improvements with it. Also note that the 8800gt is g92 so is basically a 9 series card in all ways but name (the only g92 card starting with an 8 btw).


The 8800gt can be had for about 220 dollars... and the 9600gt can be had for about 170. The 8800gt is about 25% faster so its better value for money (I've heard it overclocks better too). The 9600gt has 512mb of ram and the 8800gt has either 512mb or 1gb (the 1gb is slightly slower). I'd go for the 1gb 8800gt because its the best value for money and you won't run into any problems with high texture resolution mods (assuming you have a fast HDD and enough memory).

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