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Tutorial needed: add item/spell on game load


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I have spent hours trawling theses forums and CreationKit.com and can't find what seems to be the most useful feature for mod creators...:

How to get your new Item/Spell straight into the Inventory/SpellBook.


I gathered that it may have something to do with making a Quest script - but failed to find any definitive answers.


Can anyone help?




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I wish I could find the post I'm looking for so I can credit the awesome person I got this from...but its a wily, elusive thread :(


so here is the method I am using:


1.create a new Formlist and dump all the spells you want to be added to the player into it


2.create a new quest, check the boxes for "Start Game Enabled" and "Run Once", click over to the scripts tab


3.attach this script to that quest, ! be sure to set the properties correctly in the properties tab !


Scriptname yourscript extends Quest
;===============  PROPERTIES  ==========================================;
FormList Property yourlist auto
;===============  VARIABLES   ==========================================;
Spell SpellForm
Actor Player
;===============    EVENTS    ==========================================;
Event OnInit()
 int CurrentSpell = 0
 int FormListSize = yourlist.GetSize()
 Player = Game.GetPlayer()
 while ( CurrentSpell < FormListSize )
   SpellForm = yourlist.GetAt( CurrentSpell ) As Spell
   CurrentSpell += 1


this script will run once on game load and cycle through each spell in the formlist, until its added them all to the player

Edited by cscottydont
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