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(Help) game crashes when trying to go outside


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If you delete the script you won't be able to mine, at least not with CCO active. If you have other mods installed which affect mining then it could be a problem, but either way it shouldn't cause a crash until you try to activate some ore - if it'd even crash that is, the chances are you just won't get any ore.

The problem is elsewhere, it could be that something already loaded into the cell is no longer working properly. Best thing you can do for now is enter this into the console, or another cell far away from where you currently are...

COC HelgenExterior

That'll teleport you to Helgen. I think this command doesn't load cells properly, so be sure to fast-travel to Helgen afterwards.


Avoid where you were for a day, see how things go after that.

Edited by Kapteyn
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yep, the setting I fixed for anyone seeing this with the same problem was FixParallaxTerrain=true, changing it to false fixed it oddly enough

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