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Immersive Armor and Enemies


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Hi everyone, I have a problem with Immersive Armor. Well not is a problem, but the enemies in my game not spawn wearing the immersive armors.

I have tested spawning tons of bandits.

Can someone help me?

Edited by Vrowk
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You need to put Immersive Weapons and Armors at the very end of your loadorder, and also the levellist may not apply immidiatly....it can last some gamedays, as far as i know. But i think sleeping for about 24 gamehours and changing the location may help!



Edit: And i think there was mentioned in the description, how to place the esp-files correctly...if i remember right...

Edited by destero
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Thanks, I have a bit of English problem so I probably did not see this part.



Well, I have not tested it yet, but I forgot to mention that the mod was running normally only npcs that did not appear with armor randomly.



It seems not to have worked, I can buy the armor in npcs or manufacture them, but it seems that enemies do not like to wear them.

Edited by Vrowk
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