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The Infinite Black Star


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Back when I first started playing Skyrim, I had the crazy idea that you were able to pack as many souls as you wanted into these stars, which then could be used later. Turns out I was wrong.

Lately I've been trying to work on something similar to this and here's what I have for an idea:


How it works:


1. You have The Black Star in your inventory

2. You capture a soul, which fills the star

3. The star then empties itself, and creates a new item in your inventory called a "Filled Star Fragment". The star fragment can be used as a regular soul gem, and is worth 0 + soulsize. (Grand human soul being 350, common being 100, etc.)

4. The Black Star can now be refilled with another soul, and repeat the process again.


Thus, infinite storage of soul gems.


I would have created this myself but I'm having problems figuring out where exactly the soul gem scripts are, and whether or not it's possible to actually change anything related to them. (Hardcoded?)


I'd really appreciate it if someone could explain how they did it/how I can do it myself, so that I can learn instead of always asking.



Edited by Daylend
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