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Horrible Eyes


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I've been having a problem with my character's eyes. For no apparent reason at all, my character's eyes become these blurry, streaky globs, like in this picture.


I have no idea how to fix it. I've removed shadow mods, updated my lighting mods (Realistic Lighting), and other methods, but none of them have succeeded. Ideally, they'd look like these eyes. The only foolproof method I've found so far as it to open up showracemenu, but that only works for a very short period of time before I have to do it again.


Can anyone help me, please?


EDIT: This can be closed, turns out it's a case of the invisibility-eyes (invisibility affects your character, so that when the effect wears off, your eyes disappear). Unless someone can give me a permanent solution?

Edited by iWillWander
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