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[CK/Script] Find a landing location near Player.


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I'm trying to land a Dragon near the player in a quest script in the Tamriel worldspace.


For now I'm use :




But the Dragon land on the player causing some glitch... :rolleyes:


I also tried with Location Ref Alias but generally the dragon crash on a little distant world location.


Anyone have a way to make the landing marker near the player in a well place ? (I can't use a manually placed marker since the dragon need to land in any Tamriel place player can go.



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Perhaps you should try landing the dragon near the player, rather than exactly on him.


Just a thought ;)



I would try not to use SetForcedLandingMarker() at all.


Instead, use PathToReference() to get the dragon to a distance sufficiently close to the player.


Once sufficiently close, use SetAllowFlying(false) to cause him to land.



What sufficiently close means is up to you.

Edited by Daemonjax
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Thanks Deamonjax, I'll try with PahtToReference() and an Event handling.




I've tried with PathToReference() but the Dragon always have a package preventing this to work...


Have achieve this by moving an object near player and set it as the landing marker.


Work not bad until the object was in a house or something that make the dragon glitching on landing...:confused:



Edited by xenicle
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