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If I write and design it, can you create it (digitally)?


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  1. 1. Are you interested in an original, fully functioning companion?

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I'm interested in the completion of fully interactive companion characters(Example of one here: http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=28977). I can offer my own talents; which include but are not limited to fleshing out a character's personality, comments, topics of conversation, creating quest lines, and drawing the character designs. I tried to create npcs with the Creation Kit, and I did well, but my computer didn't operate the npcs properly in game. Which is why I need someone to create the character/s and enviroments (I'm assuming your work will begin after we've both agreed on personalities and/or concept designs). We'll also need voice actors, but I don't consider the voice acting to be a problem because I'm sure if I offer the opportunity to someone(who is going to acting classes in the area perhaps) as a job (with pay of course) then we'll get all the lines we need. Or if we're lucky we'll find a great volunteer or two!


Now, I know this can be accomplished if I find someone else who can spare time at night on occasion or on weekends. Also, I have a friend who has recording equipment, so getting the voice acting done can be arranged. At this moment, I'm not sure how to link Vsync with new recordings, but I'm sure if someone hasn't figured it out now then they will. I can have everything typed and sent to you, but I'm not sure how long it will take for me to have everything finished. Which is why I believe we should present the project in spurts/updates. Also, as far as payment for voice actors go, I will be able to manage that if you don't want to participate in that portion of the project.


So, the goal of this project is to create realistically original (We'll have to use Skyrim races, game lore, and some technology, but whose splitting hairs?) characters who interact with the world and npcs of Skyrim perfectly.


If you would like to preview my writing or drawing style, if that's important to you, then let me know and I'll whip something up for you.


If I don't hear back from anyone on this then I will just start the process on my part. Afterwards, I'll upload it to Steam; surely it will attract someone's attention then.

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Sounds familiar. 8)


Atvir Dres is a fully-voiced, lore-based companion in development by myself and a (very) small team, based off of the Vilja model. In my experience, if you want progress to be made on your project, you basically have to roll up your sleeves and do it yourself - particularly when starting out. 95% of AD's content I've designed by myself; this includes quests, dialogue (written and voiced), scripts, and mechanics. At this early stage, the only people I've brought in are those with talents I can't hope to rival (a professional graphic designer and musician).


Speaking of which, don't feel obliged to pay voice actors... there are literally thousands of amateur (or aspiring professional) voice actors happy to lend their services to mods in return for a credit and the exposure. You're (probably) not making money off of this, so there's no reason for anyone else to. Some people may jump down my throat for saying that, but when all's said and done, it's the reality of being a newcomer in the entertainment industry.


It's not entirely clear what technical issues you encountered... can you elaborate? If you're new to Bethesda's CS/CK software, then it's entirely possible that the problems you encountered were due to user error... which happens to even the most experienced modders on a regular basis!


If you get this project going, let me know... I've been waiting for others to jump on the "complex companion" bandwagon, and I'm sure that there are many ways we might collaborate. Good luck!

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Thank you so much! Yes, if that's the way to go then I'll just learn how to do it all :)

And I would love to cooperate with you. Would it be alright if I asked your opinion on things concerning this matter now and then?


I created a character in the creation kit and when I loaded the game there was a big blue strip in the corner of my view. Where the blue strip was, and how big it was determined on where I was looking though. I can come back later tonight and go in detail though if you could explain how to fix this. I would greatly appreciate any help you could offer.


Thanks again for your advice.

Edited by Tiasie
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