formalrevya Posted March 4, 2012 Share Posted March 4, 2012 Getting a "The system cannot find the path specified." Bug dump. I've looked over the online info page. And dont see a reason or way to fix htis. Well, If you have your game installed in program files on a newer operating system, then UAC controls kick in and stop you from doing anything. this was originally a guide for installing Wrye Bash in preperation for installing FCOM on oblivion, you can use it as a supplemental for the written guide. Although seeing as you only want it for easy copying of your load order, just google BOSS for New vegas. −Recognised And Re-ordered Plugins FalloutNV.esmDeadMoney.esmBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Deflst}}HonestHearts.esmOldWorldBlues.esmLonesomeRoad.esmGunRunnersArsenal.esmClassicPack.esmMercenaryPack.esmTribalPack.esmCaravanPack.esmIWS-Core.esmBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev}}Note: Loaded early to let other mods override spawn points if needed.Advanced Recon Tech.esmKaya47NF.esmAWorldOfPain(Preview).esmBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Invent, Deflst}}Project Nevada - Core.esmRequires: New Vegas Script ExtenderProject Nevada - Equipment.esmBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Invent}}Requires: New Vegas Script Extender and Project Nevada - Core.esmWARZONES - Misanthropy Pure.esmwsex.esmELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esmELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esmMikotoBeauty.esmBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Hair, Eyes, Graphics}}CASM.espNote: Do not use with Auto Incremental Save; has the same purpose.Centered 3rd Person Camera - Unraised.espIncompatible with: FOOK - New Vegas.esmReadius_NV.espThe Mod Configuration Menu.espNewCass.espBetter Burned Man.espRequires: HonestHearts.esmRefinedCasinoPeople&Suits.espProject Nevada - Cyberware.espRequires: Project Nevada - Core.esmProject Nevada - Dead Money.espRequires: DeadMoney.esm and Project Nevada - Core.esmIncompatible with: Project Nevada - Dead Money + Honest Heart Patch.esp and Project Nevada - Dead Money SF + Honest Hearts Patch.espProject Nevada - Honest Hearts.espRequires: HonestHearts.esm and Project Nevada - Core.esmIncompatible with: Project Nevada - Dead Money + Honest Heart Patch.esp and Project Nevada - Dead Money SF + Honest Hearts Patch.espProject Nevada - Old World Blues (No Cyberware).espRequires: OldWorldBlues.esm and Project Nevada - Core.esmNote: Choose only one of Project Nevada - Old World Blues.esp and Project Nevada - Old World Blues (No Cyberware).esp, not bothNewVegasBounties.espNoMainStoryUltimatums.espNewVegasBountiesII.espFalloutNVCheatTerminal.espIWS-Core-Patrols.espIWS-Core-Guards.espIWS-Core-Civilians.espAdvanced Recon Gear.espAdvanced Recon Tech.espAdvanced Recon Gear-Locations Doc Mitchell.espAdvanced Recon Armor.espAdvanced Recon Armor-Location Doc Mitchell.espAdvanced Recon Gear - Project Nevada.espBoacombat2glove.espboa ncrpahelmet.espGhost Variants.espIncompatible with: Ghost Variants Safe.esp and Ghost Variants Adjutant.espGhost Variants Adjutant.espIncompatible with: Ghost Variants.esp and Ghost Variants Safe.espGhost Variants Safe.espIncompatible with: Ghost Variants.esp and Ghost Variants Adjutant.espKaya47GlacierGlasses.espSpawn Armor.espCompanion Module Pack.espNote: Consists of a number of Companion-Related mods. Be aware when installing.Note: You will have to remove any mods that you have that are included in the pack to avoid issues.NVWillow.espnoautoaim.espModified Combat Values v2.espProject Nevada - Rebalance.espRequires: Project Nevada - Core.esmEVE FNV.espProject Nevada - EVE.espBetterGamePerformanceV4.espNote: Loaded last so that deleted references stay deleted.Clean Up New Vegas.espNote: Loaded last so that deleted references stay deleted.AFricanAmericanAAlbino.esptkEyelashesFNV.espIncompatible with: conflicts with other race-altering mods, such as mods that add hairstyles or beauty packstkEyelashesFNV_FemalesOnly.espIncompatible with: conflicts with other race-altering mods, such as mods that add hairstyles or beauty packsMikotoBeauty.esp−Unrecognised Plugins Reorder these by hand using your favourite mod ordering utility. Mission Mojave - Ultimate Edition.espProject Nevada - Lonesome Road.espProject Nevada - Gun Runners' Arsenal.espProjectRealityMkIv5HDR.espMyAngelicVeronica.espPrime_Boone.espMight of the Mojave.espBoon of the Boomers.espGeonox_Restored_Riot_Armor.espGeonox_Restored_Riot_Armor_GLOVE_VERSION.espgeonoxT3Armors.esp Like so. Not quite as tidy as Pai's method but it gets the job done. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pai Posted March 5, 2012 Author Share Posted March 5, 2012 −Script Extender And Script Extender Plugins NVSE Version:−Recognised And Re-ordered Plugins FalloutNV.esmDeadMoney.esmBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Deflst}}HonestHearts.esmOldWorldBlues.esmLonesomeRoad.esmGunRunnersArsenal.esmClassicPack.esmMercenaryPack.esmTribalPack.esmCaravanPack.esmFOOK - New Vegas.esmBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Deflst, Delev, Graphics, Names, Relev, Sound, Stats, Scripts}}FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esmAWorldOfPain(Preview).esmBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Invent, Deflst}}MoMod.esmBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}}Incompatible with: monsterrach.espNSkies URWLified.esmBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: C.Climate, C.Light}}Note: Choose only one of NSkies - Vanilla Edition.esm and NSkies URWLified.esm, not bothrePopulated Wasteland.esmWARZONES - Misanthropy Pure.esmWeapon Mod Expansion.esmBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Names}}WME - DLCs.esmIncompatible with: WME - Dead Money.esm, WME - Honest Hearts.esm, WME - Old World Blues.esmELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esmELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esmAWOP-MoMod.espAWOPMonsterPatch.espFOOK - New Vegas.espBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Deflst, Delev, Graphics, Names, Relev, Sound, Stats, Scripts}}FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.espFalloutNVCheatTerminal.espRHINO45-70MX_NV.espDragonskinTacticalOutfit.espDragonskinNCRPersonnelWearingOutfits.espBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}}NVWillow.espFaster Terminals.espWeapon Mod Expansion.espIncompatible with: WeaponModsExpanded.espBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Graphics, Names, Stats, WeaponMods}}WME - FOOK.espBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Graphics, Names, Sound, Stats}}WME - DLCs.espIncompatible with: WME - Dead Money.esp, WME - Honest Hearts.esp, WME - Old World Blues.esp, WME - DLCs Arenovalis.espWME - DLCs Arenovalis.espIncompatible with: WME - Dead Money.esp, WME - Honest Hearts.esp, WME - Old World Blues.esp, WME - DLCs.espWME - FOOK DLCs.espEVE FNV.espWMEVE.espNSkies URWLifiedOWB.espBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: C.Climate, C.Light}}NSkies URWLifiedHH.espBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: C.Climate, C.Light}}NSkies URWLifiedDM.espBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: C.Climate, C.Light}}−Unrecognised Plugins Reorder these by hand using your favourite mod ordering utility. WME - GRA.esmMERG.espMERG2.espMERG3.espmerg4.espmerg5.espAsukaDollHouse.espWME - GRA - Weapon Integration.espWME - GRA - Vendor Reform.espWME - GRA - Unique Integration.espWME - GRA - Arenovalis.espWME - GRA - All Weapons.espWME - GRA - Just Guns.espWME - GRA - Complete.espMERG7.espmerg8.espmerg9.espMERG10.espmerg11.espmerg12.esp Well here's the list, Game crashs far to much and gets annoying. I've had to unclick the warzones mod to keep playing. All the MERG esp's are from trying FNVedit when crashing gets bad. it often doesnt help. And i have to uncheck them. NMM doesnt seem to have a deleate option for them, so they add up Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
formalrevya Posted March 5, 2012 Share Posted March 5, 2012 Try adding NVSE, the NVSE compatible version of the 4gb patch, simple borderless windows, stutter remover, and CASM. You can also lower your graphics and see if that helps you out, in particular anti aliasing and anisotropic filtering really take up a lot of your machine's power. they make the game look smoother, but they slow it down. But this all should help you with crashes by a good bit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pai Posted March 5, 2012 Author Share Posted March 5, 2012 Thanks for the advice. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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