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Eanor - The Search for Itradil


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Many ages ago, in the land of Eanor, there lived a Great Mage. Univel of Ciritid (Southern Eanor) was extremely powerful and respected. However, as he got older, he became weaker and the Dark Arts overpowered him.


Unviel turned to a Black Mage, and started to wreak throughout Eanor. He summoned and army of Ghosts and Skeletons to do his bidding, and sent them across Leagues of land to destroy great cities and establishments.


For years this havoc went on, until a great band of Warriors from Qatl (North-Western Eanor) and Peranin (North-Eastern Eanor) joined forces and marched against Univel's great forces.


The band from the North, a combination of Humans, Elves, Dwarves and Halflings met Univel just North-East of Ciritid, on the Grandar Plains. A great battle took place, and as swords met steel and arrows met flesh, Univel knew that his time was up. He started to flee to Yeranin (A land to the west of Eanor) where no-one would know of his identity. As he crossed a wide chasm by a narrow stone path, he was struck down by an arrow. As he fell he dropped a book of rituals into the water of the Chasm.


The book, Itradil, was never recovered. It is now the 5th age of Eanor, 4 ages after the demise of Univel. Humans, Elves, Dwarves and Halflings all lived in Harmony across Eanor with peace year after year, age after age.


But now a new threat awakens. From the West (The lands of Yeranin) another sorcerer plots his plans. Rekal the Dark creates an army. Any army of monsters and beasts.


His only goal is to recover the great book Itradil and take total power of Eanor. The great king of Eanor, hearing of Rekal's plans, starts to build an army of great proportions to defend his lands. However, he needs an Elite Force.


He calls upon some of the fiercest warriors in Eanor to fight together and retrieve the great book Itradil before Rekal finds it. Using fighters of each race, the King hopes to stunt Rekal and retrieve the book before it is too late...




That is the basic history for this roleplay. If you wish to sign up, please reply to this post, with your Character Name, Race, Class etc


There is a great choice in this roleplay. You are able to choose which alignment you are with.


If you choose the Good Alignment you will fight for the King and try to retrieve Itradil. If you choose the Evil Alignment, you will fight for Rekal's forces as some of the great demons and monsters that he has summoned forth.


Below are the races available:


Good Alignment:







Evil Alignment:





Marinna (Lizard Men)




Now I know it's plain, but I am inexperienced with making my own Roleplays. However, I hope you take an interest, and if you do and enough people sign up, we can get started.



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OK I haven't explained very well what to include. So please include:


Your basic baggage (This is what items you shall start with. Not too Uber please)


Starting Armour: Choose your armour. Again, please not too Uber.


Starting Weapon: Same as above. A normal starting weapon that doesn't deal the most damage in the RP.


Level: Now, you shall start at Level 1. After completing tasks etc I shall raise you levels.


NPC's: Shall be controlled by myself. The rest is up to you guys.


Lastly, have fun. It might not be the best roleplay ever, but I'm sure with more experience I can help it to become much better :)


Thanks guys, have a good time..



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Name: Boxox Turtlesbane

Race: Dwarf

Class: Warrior/Magician (I know, a dwarven mage, but what can I say... If you don't want the combination, let me know and we'll work something out.)

Level: ?/? (What are you looking for - low power, high power? This is one of my old characters, let me know at what level you want him)


Armor: Mail (aka Chain)


Specializes in:

Axes (t-handed variety)

Hammers (crush weapons)


Beginning equipment: (Assuming non-magical - if allowed, I have another list)

Mail Armor

Norse Winged Helmet

Steel Gauntlets

Great Axe

Dwarven Warhammer

Heater Shield (shaped like a coat of arms)


50' rope

Tinder box

Week's rations


Small Hammer

Spell Book (what spells are available? What system?)

sheets of paper

quill and ink

Recorder (the musical intrument)

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Name: Tilaer


Race: Elf


Class: Ranger


Level: ehh... high or low?


Armor: Chain shirt, leather armpads, greaves, thick leather boots







Worn dark grey clothing

Forest green cape


Quiver (50 arrows)

in Backpack:



small herb set

rope- 25'

Fish hooks (10)

Fishing lines

Strapped to backpack:

Extra Quiver (50 arrows)


torch (1)


On Belt:

Hunting Knife





Eyes: Green

Hair: sun bleached brown


Broad shoulders, short for elf 6' 2"


Spends time living of the world, when time arises to enter civilzation (other than Elven cities), he gets money, board, etc. by using his lute.

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Name: Smulch

Race: Goblin

Class: Trickster (Thief w/ fire spells)


Specializes in:


Fire magic

****(If allowed another) Throwing spears


Armor: Leather gauntlets, leggings, boots, helm, belt. Studded leather chestpiece.



One wicked curved blade

Worn grey cloak


Spell Components?

Shoulder Pack


-Various 'meats' that he's scavenged

-Worn, ragged spellbook

-Jug of Brandy


-5 fishing hooks, fishing lines

-Small game traps


-2 jugs black dye.

-Several balanced throwing knives

*****-Strapped to back (If 2 weapons + spells allowed) 3 Throwing spears.


Appearance: Roughly 4'8'', sinewy body with a craggy wrinkled face, pointed ears, and sharpened fangs. Little or no hair. Bright brown eyes, constantly scanning from place to place. Smulch often talks to himself, and has an eerie, cackling laugh. He is very sly and stealthy, and amuses himself by playing with fire magic and by setting fire to other beings. He sometimes coats his entire body in black dye for activities requiring stealth.

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Name: Akkli

Race: Human/Demon(is this ok, the Akkli I've created is a half demon, demon hunter, kinda like Blade[vampire slayer] if not, tell me and he'll be a human)

Lvl: What ever......



Any one handed edged weaopn, primaraly short shorts


Throwing Knives

Acrobatics(dodging, and the like)


OK, Akkli ahs an Item but it will proally need to be toned down even if I can have it at all. So here is my list if i can have it



Nagoran(demon wood staff, the absorbs the felled enamy and adds its power to the weilds if he is touching it, however the demon's soul must be given to the staff, so he grows weak if it gets too far away, but to balance it hurt to touch so he uses it rarly)

About a week travel rations

3 days emergency rations

3 foot, slightly curved sword

75 fingure length throwing daggers

1/3 inch think leather armor(more of padding actually)


If not, then change Nagoran to a glaive, 6 foot pole wiht a 7 inch blade on one end.



Simple contol of Fire

Extrene control of fire(if touching staff)



Knowledge of plants


wilderness survivel

Demon lore


Tell me if he is too strong and I'll edit.

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That's fine Acoran. If you guys want to mix races that is totally up to you. Also, any ideas for new Races would be appreciated, and I can add them to the storyline later.


Acroan's Demon Staff is a prime example of Non-Uberness. Even though his staff does alot of damage, he has done well to balance it out. If you guys want to do this, thats fine by me.



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Name: Anaelos


Race: Elf


Class: Ranger


Level: 1?


Armor: Breastplate, Pauldrons, Boots










25 arrows

2 Healing Potions

Hunting Knife

Cloak (Green or Brown)






More Arrows (70)

Poison (for the Arrows)

torch (Also for the arrows)

fishing hooks

fishing lines


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