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Simple perception and health mods!


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After asking around and searching the nexus for some time I can't find any of the 2 mods I wan't most right now. So if they aren't around I'll try to create them myself.

The simplistic nature of both mods are because of my need to alter these two things w.o conflicting with other mods, for example Project Nevada. There are several mods that alters my 2 mentioned stats, but none that do it w.o altering a lot of other things. I'm a beginner at modding that did some weapontweaks years ago in Fallout 3, so I'm VERY rusty.



1. A mod that only alters Base health for the PC. Nothing else.


Right now I use "PCAsWeakAsNPCs" that puts base health to 65 among other things. It can be used with Project Nevada as Nevada overrides everything except the Base health. Maybe I can use that file to make a simpler mod?



2. A mod that makes perception more useful. Mainly by making it affect accuracy inside and outside of VATS (more important is the outside stat as I seldom use VATS)


One called "Perception revamp -WIP-" seems to be cancelled, and can't be found anymore. Anyone who has it and can forward it to me?

XFO (and a few more mods) seems to do good revamps of perception accuracy, but as with every other .esp I can find it alters a lot of other stuff that seem to conflict with some of my mods. (Does anyone know a way to use one of the mods that alters perception accuracy w.o conflicting with Project Nevada?)


Anyway, my main goal is to create (or find) two clean .esps that only do what I want: Base health and perception influenced accuracy. Any help is appreciated and kudosed!

Edited by L0bban
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#1 is easy. AFAIK, base health is computed from several base settings, END and your level:





It's not a fixed amount. But if you wanted to code, say, a hard 65HP limit to your player health, you'd probably have to set up a quest script that constantly evaluates HP and applies a calculated damageav to always keep the player below that point.


You'd perpetually be the walking wounded. However, if you simply want the PC to not be as health-arific as in vanilla, I'd adjust the above fAVD endurance and level base multipliers to reduce their influences on HP calculations. Load GECK, cut em in half, save and go. I don't think I'd recommend it, but it should wreck your HP pretty efficiently in a way that still scales.

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Thanks Greslin!


But Project Nevada already gives me the opportunity to adjust endurance and level multipliers of health, but these two is actually not the only health parameters.

The game also has a specific "base health" that in Vanilla is 100. The the calculated health in vanilla is 100 + 20xEndurance + 5xLevel = Total health.


It's the fixed number of "100" I want' to adjust, and I know its possible but I don't know how.

For example I want to try to use 50 + 5xEndurance + (no level addon) as my health. The "50" is the only thing I can't get my hands on right now.


[This is meant to be used in conjunction with other mods I have and are actually a carefully balanced (but deadly) combination I wan't to play with.]

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With all due respect, you and the GECK wiki disagree. Look at the HealthMult page again.


Starting Health = (END*fAVDHealthEnduranceMult) + (10+((LVL-1)*fAVDHealthLevelMult)) + (90+(fAVDHealthEnduranceMult*fAVDHealthEnduranceOffset)


I would presume the "10" and "90" are constants rather than modifiable base settings.

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I'm probably using wrong words (english isn't my main language). I don't mean that they are adjustable on their own. But that they somehow may be changed my modding.


A few mods state that their mod change that certain fixed number. I guess it's the fixed numbers 90+10 (or 100) that they somehow change.

For example: PCAsWeakAsNPC changes it but the readme says also that the mod must be used at startup creating a new PC and that the change after the startup is permanent on that PC.


And here is a quote from the XFO readme (On PC health) showing why I use the terms I use:

Base Health reduced from 100 to 80

Health per point of END reduced from 20 to 12 (raised from 5 to 12 for NPCs)

Health per level gained reduced from 5 to 0


This quote also matches how this is handled in Project Nevada, except that Project Nevada don't change the "Base health" (if thats the right term) and just point out that it is indeed 100 (90+10 then I guess). ANd that on top of that the endurance and level multipliers gives your totalt health value.


Well, I'm so bad at this so I may cause more confusion than clarity expanding on the matter. :)

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Back to my 2nd question on my main topic then!


Any help out there for me to find a mod that makes perception affect accuracy (or more parameters)? Preferably one that don't affect anything else but perception.


Or suggestions/facts about a mod or mods that affect perception and more stuff but don't conflict with Project Nevada or where PN overwrites most effects except he perception one?


[i have come so far now so I know I won't be able to develop my own perception mod. But maybe "cut" out a perception piece from a bigger mod and make an .esp with just the perception info? Any help, tips here on how to do it?]


Any help is greatly appreciated!

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about low health it would require a serious rebalance or a single giant scorpion will kill you

i thinked on way to make game harder like impose a bleed if your health go beyond some level or other penalties

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