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Iniaiting a dialogue scene during combat


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Hello! If this sounds at all familiar, it's because I posted about this problem earlier in the year. Unfortunately I'm still stuck with this and hoping anyone out there has any tips to get this working or even help me come up with a script to make it work! I even rebuilt the mod from the ground up and tweaked the way the scene goes down but I'm still hitting a wall with the same exact problem: dialogue and combat.


Here's how it goes:


The player attacks a group of random enemies (a faction like raiders). Combat begins.

One of the enemies (random, not a unique actor) starts a dialogue scene and stops combat.

Dialogue is over and combat resumes.


Part one and part three work as intended. It's just the second part I can't get to work because the dialogue will never trigger and the enemies just stay hostile.


I'm thinking right now I could try maybe a script attached to the alias that says that particular NPC doesn't go hostile when the combat starts? Then I could stop combat through the beginning of his dialogue scene. Are there any scripts I could use that do something like that? Or anyone got any other ideas?


Thanks in advance!



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