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Display a video with a light


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Hi everyone!


I'm working on a new stuff for Videos of the Wasteland and I need help: I want to create a projector which will cast videos, for now i'm using the projector from singing settler for my tests. I managed to display a dds texture from Sobering Videos but obviously it doesn't act like a video but a single texture like you can see:






Is it possible to display a video on that light? with a script or a destruction data, or even something totally different maybe.




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As I'm sure you know, the way that Videos of the Wasteland works is that it uses a special NIF to display different "frames" of the texture, which is why when you try to display the texture you get every single "frame" appearing. So you will need to both display that texture and control it via the NIF. Edited by Reneer
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Thanks for the answer,

Yes i know that but i only use a light here not an object, so if i use a nif I'll have the screen fixed and placed at a certain distance from the light emitter no? I'll not have that feature which project the picture on any kind of surface at any distance, and it's that feature that I want to have.

Edited by dertspovor06
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