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Site/Mod Loader Feature for tracking F4SE mods


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A couple things occurred to me with the latest Fallout 4 update:

  • There isn't any good way to track what mod uses F4SE
  • I don't think anyone expected Fallout 4 to update again (could just be me in that boat)


This only comes up because the game update forced an F4SE update which then causes mods to force an update to the latest F4SE. I don't think it's much of anything other than a slight misalignment and no real functional issue it still causes game errors. It would help with post-update CTD issues due to mods that aren't on an immediate update schedule or those whose authors have gone dormant.


Just a simple check box "Mod Requires F4SE" or it's Skyrim equivalent that translates into a column, or some kind of information box in whatever new application that will replace NMM. Or if that isn't feasible, a column header for F4SE that would go along with the username/version/whatever.


Nothing truly essential, but it'd be great for troubleshooting.



Thanks for all your hard work making awesome stuff for us to enjoy! You guys at the Nexus are awesome and I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say that.

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