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Custom Race Specific Animations


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I'm be trying to make something like "MAO - Mayus Animation Overhaul" or "Kamikazes Combat Animation Selector" for Skyrim. I've been hex editing the defaultfemale.hkx to map the custom animations to my custom races. However, I've been running into problems. Specificly, the game would crash when I select my custom race on the showracemenu screen and that the custom animations gets stuck on the custom standing idle animation when I use the setrace console command. I hope some more experienced modders can help me on this.
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I'm having troubles with this same exact thing. I have mt_idle.hkx replaced and working, but that's all my custom race ever plays. No matter if it's moving, has a weapon equipped, or anything else at all, it never plays anything other than the idle animation I made for it. I know it's got to have something to do with the gameplay > animation part of the CK, but I have no clue as to what I need to do in there to make my other animations work.



Just realized we're not having the same problem. I'm trying to make my own new race from scratch with a new skeleton, mesh, etc..

I'll go make my own thread.

Edited by Gamerboy385
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I'm trying to set up separate animations for my races, too. I started, but got sidetracked doing something else. With my initial attempt, my character is stuck in the static T pose. I think that is because my race can't find the right animations. Obviously, I am not an experienced modder or animator, but I will give you some research material.


I've been hex editing the defaultfemale.hkx to map the custom animations to my custom races.

Try this mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=1797, to turn the havok files into editable xml files


the game would crash when I select my custom race on the showracemenu

That might be a problem other than the animations. Did you have issues before you messed with defaultfemale.hkx?

Try this mod to help with your race: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=10165


Check out this thread for a lot of info on Skyrim animations (warning - really long and confusing): http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1293826-rel-havok-animation-converter/


There are already some mods that add races and sets up separate animations for them, check them out if you are over 18 ;)





Let me know if you figure it out, so you can help me :biggrin:

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