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List of Mods to claim


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List of mods i wish i could make, but have no idea how to (for some reason my followers dont even work...all i can do is change weapon stats and npc appearence..)


Mods i wish i had:

1. Fox Tail, just an equipable fox tail that shows even when i wear armor.

2. Wolf Form, Like transforming into werewolf, only u change to a wolf..http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/595593-sneaky-wolf-form/ for the thread that came up with idea.

3. A non crashy Skyrim Creation kit.


and that it for now.


if anyone can make one of these (though #3 may just be a fantasy :psyduck: ) please leave a post here so i know someone making it.


and now to find out why my followers appear, but have no follow option...i followed tutorials to the letter =/ :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:



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For that wolf form transformation, include a Holo/fox fur pattern ^.^



sure, though Holo is technically a wolf, find it funny that she has a fox tail ^^


Human form, with tail



Transforming into wolf (really i dont care how the transformation works, you can use that purple summon animation or just switch from human to wolf. doesnt matter to much to me)



Ironicly, finding pictures of her in wolf form are hard...given she is a 30foot tall wolf xD (probably looking for normal sized wolf in game)


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