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The Borderworld for Skyrim- Go to Xen


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All right, I must say Skyrim is a huge thing for me. I spent $750 to build a computer able to run it at max and then some. I also prepped my rig for mod making and even before the game was release I was planning with friends the kinds of mods I would make. Most D&D/Pathfinder based. I even started drawing up plans for an Underdark(Blackreach at least feeds my hunger for underground adventure- for now) mod. However my focus changed when I saw Fall of the Space Core; such a mod made my inner Valve fanboy glee and I found myself thinking of other Valve crossover-mods.


A half(-life)-hour later I decided adding Vortigaunts as a race would just be awesome. Playing strange, zapping aliens is cool to me anyway. But the more I thought about modding these guys in, the more I found myself, well, adding more. Within a week I finally gave in and said, "Screw tiny tastes, I want the whole meal; I'll mod in Xen itself."


Think about how awesome that is: an honest alien landscape. With floating islands, abberational creatures, and sentient clouds! The very idea gives my shudders of pure excitement. So I set out to create this paradise when I realized a sad truth... me no can mod. I never have before, and currently the tutorials have me simply scratching my head. It's a shame, and what's worse is what may be the most key element to this mod -textures and modeling- I'm having the most difficulty understanding/doing.


So cutting to the point- anyone want to make a Xen mod? I'm of course willing to help as I learn the ropes, but I just don't want to see this idea be put on the burner till I learn how to work the creation kit- likely by the time Elder Scrolls VI is hitting the shelves -like so many other 'Other World' mods face. So I ask again: who will join me on this most noble quest? Who shall pre-take with me in this most amazing task?


An island in Xen:



And some Vortigaunts:




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